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Join Us

There are many ways to support our efforts in facilitating the transition for students from adult schools to Cañada College.  Just a few ways include:


  • contributing or developing curriculum, whether ESL, math, or other;


  • teaching off-campus at our state-of-the-art Menlo Park facilities;


  • connecting us with community members or company HR departments;


  • advocating for adult-ed students on and off-campus;


  • inviting us to your department or organization to give a brief overview of ACCEL;


  • reviewing or sharing data to identify trends and implications;


  • hosting professional development sessions with us;


or simply tossing ideas around to see what's viable!  We're very open to exploring all types of collaboration to better serve our students.  Please get in touch and let's see what we can achieve together.



Together, we can achieve even more.
Let's get acquainted.

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